RadioActive Trading - Married Puts - Option Strategies
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Covered Calls and Calendar Calls have you down by 20%, 30% even 40%?
You're not alone. Covered calls have always had the problem of sorting all of the winning stocks out of your portfolio - leaving you with all the losers! That's where RadioActive Trading comes in. Our trading methodology shows you how to protect your downside with whatever amount at risk makes you comfortable - while leaving your upside open to unlimited profits.
How are your Covered Calls doing?
Most likely you've experienced 3% returns of "income" but also seen some stocks lose 30% of your capital! There is a better way to trade stocks and trade options - that won't risk your hard earned capital. Follow these steps to learn more...
YOU can learn to limit your downside and UNlimit your profit potential?
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Portfolio Insurance Stop Loss - Stock Trade Simulator - Options Trading Strategies

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Title: Options Investing Questions? Weve Got Answers!
When: Dec 6 @ 4:30:00 PM Eastern
Price: FREE!
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"A while back I bought ARIA for $20.97 a share. Did you see what happened to it today? -70%!!! Was I hurt? NO, thanks to you guys, I married the stock which I do in every case with a put and covered myself from a devastating loss! Thanks guys. I really learnt a valuable lesson today. Even funnier is the fact that I caught the 9% move up on HPQ today and because of the right married put didn’t give too much profit back. I am an avid fan! Keep up the great work."
- SS
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